My Personal Blog



Tian Haipeng

Front End Developer, Someone interested in technology
Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park

Hello World! 👋 My name is Tian Haipeng. I’m a Front End Developer, Someone interested in technology.

During my years of professional development, I've been able to gain professional and practical knowledge of the following programming languages and tools.

Languages: I am proficient in HTML5, CSS3, dart, JavaScript (ES6).

Frameworks: My experience extends to React, Next.js, Vue.js, Node.js, Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, and Flutter.

Version Control and CI/CD: Masterful use of Git, Svn, GitHub & GitLab.

The world of tech is boundless and ever-evolving. I am committed to continuously learning, sharing, and growing alongside it. Looking forward to the journey ahead!


前端开发工程师  @  北京凡米物联科技有限公司
July 2020 - February 2022
前端开发工程师  @  Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park
May 2023 - Present
Creating articles that focus on automation testing.
Researching and writing high-quality content that provides valuable insights into the latest trends and best practices in automation testing.
Working closely with subject matter experts and other stakeholders to ensure my articles are accurate, informative, and engaging.